
Jesus said, Let the little children come to me. The Children and Family Ministries of Messiah partner with families as we point our children to the truth found in God’s Word and the comfort we find in Jesus.
The presence of children is a gift to God’s family, and a reminder that our church is growing! The way we welcome children here directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. We want everyone to feel at home in this house of worship.

Andy Greer

 Associate Pastor

Children & Family

Parents of young children: Relax!

God put the wiggle in children! Don’t feel you have to suppress those wiggles in God’s house. If you need to nurse a baby, or you and your child(ren) need a quiet place to experience worship, we have a room at the back of the sanctuary, furnished with rocking chairs, a changing table, and wheelchair accessible restroom. The worship service is broadcast into this room, and has a clear view of the sanctuary.

We have three Sunday morning worship services, and we don’t want to separate families by offering Sunday School at the same time as worship. Instead, we offer Bible classes for all ages on Wednesday nights.

We love having a time reserved for the whole family to worship together on Sunday mornings, and a time to study God’s Word together on Wednesday Nights. Find more info about Wednesday Nights by clicking here.

For children, each grade will have 2-3 Small Groups with adult leaders. These small group leaders will check in and greet the students, introduce the lesson, focus on relationships, and encourage students in their faith. Here’s the schedule we’ll follow for kiddos through grade 5:

  • 6:15-6:30 – Opening Worship in sanctuary with all participants
  • 6:30-7:15-Lesson/Craft and Game!
  • 7:15-7:30 Closing

We offer confirmation classes for students in grades 6-8. Click here for more info.

We have numerous Bible study and class options for adults. Click here for complete info on Wednesday night classes for al ages.

  • First week in June
  • Ages 3-entering 5th grade
  • Volunteer opportunities for those entering 6th grade and older

Throughout the year, we have fun family events, such as:

  • Date Your Mate is a date night for married couples, including childcare and a kit with goodies and suggested activities. 
  • Road to Resurrection is an interactive Easter experience for the whole family.
  • Summer Fun Nights can include family games, food, and music.
  • Fall Festival includes trunk-or-treat, costume contest, family games, food, and music.

Each year, we have special parent child events for each grade:

  • Kindergarten: Family devotions
  • First Grade – Worship
  • Second Grade – Bible giveaway
  • Third Grade – Prayer
  • Fourth Grade – Bible Journaling
  • Fifth Grade – Serving others

Watch for info on each of these Wednesday evening events, or contact us for more info.

  • Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don’t taste sweetness
  • Cats are near-sighted, but their peripheral vision and night vision are much better than that of humans.
  • Cats can jump up to six times their length.


Explore a range of events hosted by our ministries by clicking the link below! Whether you’re interested in community outreach, spiritual growth, or social gatherings, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to get involved!