Worship With Us
What to expect on a Sunday
We believe in the true Word of God
We believe that the Bible is the true and unchanging Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by men. God’s Word points us to the saving work of Jesus, and it’s something we can always count on when looking for God’s guidance for our lives. We are a part of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and you can click the Bible icon above for more on the belief statements that we proclaim to be true.
Inspirational Music
We embrace a modern style of worship music, while staying true to the basic elements of Lutheran worship. Check out one of our archived services or watch to get a better idea of what to expect when worshipping at Messiah.
Family friendly
The presence of children is a gift to God’s family, and a reminder that our church is growing! The way we welcome children here directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. We want everyone to feel at home in this house of worship.
Parents of young children: Relax!
God put the wiggle in children! Don’t feel you have to suppress those wiggles in God’s house. If you need to nurse a baby, or you and your child(ren) need a quiet place to experience worship, we have a room at the back of the sanctuary, furnished with rocking chairs, a changing table, and wheelchair accessible restroom. The worship service is broadcast into this room, and has a clear view of the sanctuary. We also have nursery care available during the 9:30am worship service.
Coffee, tea, and donuts in our cafe
We’ve got free coffee, tea, and donuts available between Sunday morning services in our new café! Come early, stay after, and spend some time with friends and family. Worship services are also broadcast to the tv in the café for those who need an alternate place to worship.
Worship Online
Join us LIVE ONLINE at 9:30am central time on Sundays.

Use Church Online for an interactive live worship experience on your computer or tablet. You’ll be able to easily access an online Bible during worship, chat with others worshipping and even submit private prayer requests with one or our staff or online worship hosts.
This is only available for Messiah worship services when they’re live.
Our YouTube channel is another great option for worshipping online. Past services are always stored on YouTube, so this is a great place to go back and find a past service to enjoy and share.
If you’re looking for a funeral, wedding or other special livestreamed event, this is the place to go.
Find us on Facebook Sunday mornings. Our 9:30am worship service is streamed there. Feel free to comment and like what you’re watching!
Want to enjoy our worship services from your smart TV?

Messiah has a custom app for both Apple TV and Roku. Just go to your app store on your Smart TV and search either Messiah or Messiah Lincoln to find us. Then you can worship live or also view past services on the largest screen you own.