Life Groups are a place where we share our lives with each other, form authentic relationships, study God’s Word together, and are intentional about joining Jesus on His Mission to serve others. We spend time together doing service projects, or just hanging out—each group is unique, and may choose to do different things each time we meet.

Check the FAQ’s below and watch this video to learn more about Messiah’s Life Groups. Join an existing group, or start your own! We provide training for group leaders and offer resources for Joining Jesus On His Mission.

About Life Groups

  • Life Groups are a place where people can share their lives with others, explore their faith together, and study God’s Word together as we learn to live out God’s Word as followers of Jesus.
  • Group members spend time together in fellowship, perhaps doing a service project together, or just hanging out–it’s up to the group. All groups will look different, and groups can do different things each time they meet.
  • Life Groups are intentional about living missionally–Joining Jesus on His Mission.
  • In a Bible study, the main focus is on studying or learning about God’s Word. Life Groups are intentional about being in relationship with each other as we live out God’s Word.
  • Bible studies can be short term (a few weeks) or ongoing. Life Groups are committed to meeting together over an extended period of time.
  • Group sizes can vary. Most groups are 6-12 people. Large enough to be a group, but small enough to get to know each other.
  • Homes, Messiah, restaurants, or coffee shops. It’s up to each group.
  • Most groups meet twice a month. Some meet more often, and some less often. It’s up to the group. Some groups meet less frequently during summer months but remain committed to staying together and maintaining relationships.
  • Do what works for your group. Consistency is key.
  • Each group has a leader (or couple) that is the contact person. But many functions of the group can be shared. Different members may facilitate different roles within the group.
  • Messiah provides training and ongoing support for leaders.

Why Join a Life Group?


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