Serve At Messiah
We encourage everyone at Messiah to find the areas where God is leading them to serve. Please check out the lists below, and connect with the leaders of the areas you're interested in. Click the button below to help us help you find your fit.
Here are some ways you can help everyone feel welcome and at home, worshiping with us:
- Usher – serve one month per quarter
- Altar Care – prepares Communion elements and tidies up the altar area.
- Greeter – welcome everyone with a smile
- Scripture Reader – read assigned scripture during worship
- Café Crew – help with coffee and donuts, and tidy up the café
- Van Drivers – transport guests to worship for 9:30a Sunday worship
- AV Room – assist with cameras for livestream, help the livestream run smoothly, or change slides during worship.
- Outdoor hospitality (orange vests) – help guests in lot
- Welcome Desk – direct people where to go, take info, answer questions
- Funeral Server – help serve prepared food and clean up
- Cookie Baker – bake and bring cookies/bars to church for funerals and other events when needed
To find out more about any of these ways to serve, just click the links above.
There are a few ways to get involved with our children’s ministry at Messiah:
- VBS Helper – During one exciting week in June, we need over 100 adults to help serve more than 300 children that come to Messiah for Vacation Bible School.
- Wednesday Night Assistant – Wednesday evening volunteers help in a variety of ways with the children’s portion of our Wednesday nights at Messiah.
If you sing and/or play any instrument including drums, bass, piano, acoustic or electric guitar, violin, tuba, kazoo, or any other instrument, apply for the music team!
- Contact Natalie Heidtbrink, our Director of Worship Arts, to learn more about Sunday music opportunities
- Contact Natalie Heidtbrink for information about our adult choir
Serve In Our Community
We love to help people in need. To find out about ways you can help people in Lincoln area and around the world, click the links below. Click the button below to help us help you find your fit.
- Orphan Grain Train – Volunteer at the Lincoln donation center, or donate clothing and medical supplies. You may bring items to Messiah any time Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00, or Sundays when you come for worship. Our Messiah team sorts and packs donations the first Tuesday of every month from 1:00p-3:30p at the warehouse. Contact Jim Carter, manager 402.202.2427 for more information or go to
- Angel Tree and Mittens in a Manger– Each December and January, we collect gifts to give to people in need, as well as scarves, hats and mittens for the cold winter months.
- Thanksgiving Baskets – Help to assemble and deliver baskets of food to families that could use some assistance around Thanksgiving.
- Baby Item Donations – We have drives to collect items for parents and their children. We partner with the Pregnancy Center in Lincoln to get donations to the people who need them the most.
- Donate items, money, and time to support our outreach ministries. We have permanent, dedicated donation bins in the Great Hall for Home in a Box, Orphan Grain Train, Common Threads, and Immanuel Lutheran Food Pantry. You may bring donations to Messiah any time 8:00-4:00 Monday-Friday, or when you come for worship on Sundays and Wednesdays.
- Disaster Relief – We are committed to helping our brothers and sisters with physical, emotional and spiritual needs after disasters by being the hands and feet of Jesus. We are all volunteers with a variety of skill sets.